Save Your Wardrobe / propose son [#PFE Book 2023]

Save Your Wardrobe

is launching its internship campaign “PFE-BOOK 2023”.

S’abonner et recevoir tous les offres d'emploi
  • 💎 #DevOps & #DevTestOps :
    ⚡Discover, assess, and migrate AWS infrastructure to Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
    ⚡Automate the Provisioning and Configuring of Secure Environments on AWS.
    ⚡Design and Implement a Robot Framework to Automate Tests and Monitoring.
  • 💎 #DataScience & R&D #FullStackDevelopment :
    ⚡Browse and Interact With Digital Wardrobes in VR Using the Metaverse.
    ⚡Digital Passport integration : Conceive and Launch a Circular Product Data Protocol
    ⚡Virtual 3D Fitting Space. Display Users Clothes on an Avatar in the App (Reactive Reality)
    ⚡Digital Onboarding for Partners: Create a secure platform to onboard Partners on Stripe.
    ⚡Integrate NFT wallet in a digital wardrobe app to prove user’s ownership & authenticity.
  • 💎 #Mobile (#iOS | #Android) :
    ⚡Digital Wardrobe Consolidation (iOS)
    ⚡Digital Wardrobe Consolidation (Android)
  • 💎 #ProductManagement / IT #ProjectManagement :
    ⚡Set and Maintain Standards for Project Management Throughout an IT Organization
S’abonner et recevoir tous les offres d'emploi

Several hiring possibilities are planned for various projects at the end of internships.

🚨🚨 Apply Immediately !! 

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#job #emploi #recrutement #recruitment #hiring #careers #marketing #innovation

[email protected]

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