Save Your Wardrobe / propose son [#PFE Book 2023]

Save Your Wardrobe

is launching its internship campaign “PFE-BOOK 2023”.

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  • 💎 #DevOps & #DevTestOps :
    ⚡Discover, assess, and migrate AWS infrastructure to Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
    ⚡Automate the Provisioning and Configuring of Secure Environments on AWS.
    ⚡Design and Implement a Robot Framework to Automate Tests and Monitoring.
  • 💎 #DataScience & R&D #FullStackDevelopment :
    ⚡Browse and Interact With Digital Wardrobes in VR Using the Metaverse.
    ⚡Digital Passport integration : Conceive and Launch a Circular Product Data Protocol
    ⚡Virtual 3D Fitting Space. Display Users Clothes on an Avatar in the App (Reactive Reality)
    ⚡Digital Onboarding for Partners: Create a secure platform to onboard Partners on Stripe.
    ⚡Integrate NFT wallet in a digital wardrobe app to prove user’s ownership & authenticity.
  • 💎 #Mobile (#iOS | #Android) :
    ⚡Digital Wardrobe Consolidation (iOS)
    ⚡Digital Wardrobe Consolidation (Android)
  • 💎 #ProductManagement / IT #ProjectManagement :
    ⚡Set and Maintain Standards for Project Management Throughout an IT Organization
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Several hiring possibilities are planned for various projects at the end of internships.

🚨🚨 Apply Immediately !! 

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[email protected]

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