Save Your Wardrobe / propose son [PFE BOOK 2022]
[Teaser] ℹ
Save Your Wardrobe is #Soon launching its internship campaign “PFE-BOOK 2022”.
- Our future interns will work on innovative projects using top technologies.
- They will get the opportunity to put their knowledge and skills into practice alongside our experts from different poles:
⚡ R&D #Full_StackJS
⚡ R&D Mobile #Android && #iOS
⚡ #DataScience and #DataEngineering
⚡ Test #Automation and #QA / #QC
⚡ #DevOps & #DevSecOps
⚡ #ProductManagement / IT #ProjectManagement
Several hiring possibilities are planned for various projects at the end of internships.
🚨🚨 Stay Tuned! Our #PFE_BOOK #2022 is coming soon!