Recrutement Au : Ministère Du Développement De L’Investissement Et De La Coopération Internationale

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The Ministry of Development, Investment and International Cooperation, in cooperation with the Millennium Challenge Corporation under its COMPACT Program, advertise for these following positions :
  •  Transport Sector Expert (01 position – Reference P1)

The premium application file should include a resume (02 pages maximum) and a cover letter (01 page maximum), in english and in PDF format (documents in other languages are not acceptable and the application will be considered null and void). Besides, applications shall be limited to only ONE position.
Your resume and cover letter should be titled as follows :
  •  First name and family name-CV (for the resume) ;
  •  First name and Family name-CL (for the cover letter).
The deadline for applying : May 5th 2019, via e-mail on the following address :
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Your email should specify the position name for which you are applying in the subject line of the email message.

​For more information about the required qualifications and entrusted responsibilities, read attachments : 

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