Première Urgence // recrute

Première Urgence 




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Crisis context

After more than forty years in power, the revolution of 2011 put an end to Mouammar Kadhafi’s reign. Libya has been ever since confronted to a challenging political instability due to the state breakup. Since 2014, a new civil war has been underway. In this context, the country is divided between different military and political forces. This instability has a strong impact on the Libyan population’s living conditions. It reduces day after day its access to essential services.

In 2019, thousands of persons remain displaced in camps across the country while some went back to their household. These persons, displaced or “returnees”, are facing a high level of vulnerability. Simultaneously, numerous refugees, asylum seekers and migrants fleeing authoritarian regimes or poverty are passing through Libya. Some of them are into the hands of human traffickers before risking their lives crossing the Mediterranean Sea.

Recurrent armed conflicts, political instability and economic collapse have led to a complex humanitarian crisis. The United Nations estimate 823,000 persons are going to need humanitarian assistance this year in Libya (OCHA, HNO 2019).

Thus, after eight years of crisis and instability, access to essential services remains largely limited, in particular for the most vulnerable persons. Première Urgence Internationale has identified an extremely concerning situation in terms of psychosocial disorders and access to healthcare. To a great extent, the former is due to the persisting conflict and the dysfunction of basic services. The latter is explained by infrastructure destructions, breaks in drug supplies and a shortage of medical material and qualified human resources.

In the Southeast of the country, the tensions between the Tebu and the Zway tribes seriously affects the health system and the access to basic services. Tribe communities, when they are a minority in the area, are suffering from segregation in most of Al kufra’s institutions, including health care facilities. This occurs in a context of underdevelopment and poverty that exacerbates the impact of the conflict on the population in the region. Indeed, this area has been suffering, even before the conflict, from a poor investment from the central government. However, few information are available on this area and its humanitarian needs due to a poor, if not almost inexistent, presence of NGOs.

Due to the security context, the majority of the humanitarian interventions in Libya are being managed remotely from Tunis

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  • The Administrative and Financial Coordinator is accountable for the sound financial, accounting and budgetary management of the mission as well as the management of human resources and the administrative and legal records.


  • Financial, budgetary and accounting management: He/She is responsible for all aspects relating to finance, including budgetary and accounting elements, as well as the mission cash flow.
  • Management of human resources: He/She is responsible for the administrative management of the local and international teams, for the definition/updating of procedures and HR management tools in accordance with labor regulations in the intervention country and the HR policies of PUI, and for the monitoring of risks linked to HR questions.
  • Administrative and legal management: He/She supervises administrative records and guarantees that the status and functioning of the mission are in legal accordance with the requirements of the intervention country.
  • Representation: He/She represents the association in its relations with partners, authorities and different local players for the financial, administrative, legal and human resources areas of the mission.
  • Coordination: He/She centralizes and diffuses information within the mission and to headquarters for all financial, administrative, legal and human resources aspects of the mission, and consolidates the internal and external reporting for these domains.



Financial/accounting management


A technical experience is required.


French and English are mandatory.



  • Fixed-Term Contract: 9 months
  • Starting date: Mai 2019
  • Monthly Gross Income: from 2 200 to 2 530 Euros depending on the experience in International Solidarity + 50 Euros per semester seniority with PUI


  • Cost Covered: Round-trip transportation to and from home / mission, visas, vaccines…
  • Insurance: including medical coverage and complementary healthcare, 24/24 assistance and repatriation
  • Housing allowance of 1,300 TND for a contractual commitment of at least 9 months.
  • Daily Living Expenses (« Per diem »)


  • Break Policy: 5 working days at 3 and 9 months + break allowance
  • Paid Leaves Policy: 5 weeks of paid leaves per year + return ticket every 6 months
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