is hiring
a HSSE Superintendent (Oman).
Apply directly through the email below if you meet the criteria.
🔸Professional Experience (years): more than 12 years.
🔸Experience in similar position (years): >10 years.
🔸Level / Diploma: Engineering degree, or equivalent.
🔸Review, comment, and validate site H3SE procedures of EPSCC Contractors, and ensure alignment with project specifications, COMPANY Project H3SE management plan, contracts requirements Exhibit L, and permit/license requirements, and international standards.
🔸Ensure that EPSCC Contractors manage and monitor completion of H3SE training requirements and medical fitness to work of their personnel.
🔸Well experience in managing H3SE management system and supervising and interfacing with EPSCC Contractors to implement H3SE management system on-site. Having more than 10-year experience to enable providing guidance and recommendations to EPSCC Contractors.
🔸Having adequate experience to advice EPSCC Contractor to achieve H3SE key performance indicators
🔸Hands-on experience in coordinating and execution of H3SE Audits and Inspections and monitoring the close-out of findings.
🔸Experience in coordinating safety culture campaign and follow up with EPSCC Contractors.
🔸Well experienced in setting up H3SE training requirements for different functions within a project, medical fitness to work system, and medical infrastructure on construction site.
🔸Experience in coordinating emergency response trainings, drills and exercises.
Please apply only if you match with below listed criterias. CVs to be send to
[email protected]Intéressé par l’offre d’emploi –> oui/non
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