Ozeol / organizes [a #Recruitment #Open #Day]


S’abonner et recevoir tous les offres d'emploi

📺📻🎙️Ozeol organizes

a #Recruitment #Open #Day

🕵️🕵️Are you searching for your Dream Job to join a company based in #Sousse with innovative thinking? 

  • If yes, do not miss this opportunity
    • on #9th #December,
    • at #9:30am, t
    • o be part of the event, get the chance to be interviewed and hired if you meet the requirements :)))

      🚨Do not hesitate to share the info with your contacts !

Various positions are available !

🙋🙋✌️✌️See you there ! Be Numberous😃😃

S’abonner et recevoir tous les offres d'emploi
#job #emploi #recrutement

#CV #postuler

S’abonner et recevoir tous les offres d'emploi