I WATCH // recrute [offre d’emploi n°1 – Septembre]


I WATCH is hiring

a Consultant



Research on the state of implementation of the African Union Convention on Preventing and Combatting Corruption (AUCPCC) in Tunisia

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Application Closing Date: 16th September 2018
Job Start Date:  September 2018
Duration:   One month.
Location: Tunis, Tunisia.


I WATCH is a Tunisian watchdog organization and the Chapter in Formation of Transparency International in Tunisia since January 2017.

I WATCH works mainly on two axes: transparency and corruption. I WATCH also seeks to facilitate access to information. Believing that corruption is one of the reasons that triggered the revolution, I WATCH fights corruption all over the country.

For these purposes, I WATCH is participating in the joint and collective advocacy actions of TI African Chapters in contribution to the African Union 2018-Project, focusing anti-corruption efforts to win the fight against corruption in Africa.

The African Union Assembly of Heads of State has declared 2018 as the ‘African Year of Anti-Corruption’ with the theme “Winning the Fight against Corruption: A Sustainable Path to Africa’s Transformation”. This declaration, and the actions stemming from it provide a rallying point for all actors (state and non-state), to help consolidate gains made over the years, ensure greater progress in the fight against corruption in Africa.

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The African Union Convention on Preventing and Combatting Corruption (AUCPCC) serves as the shared roadmap for states to implement governance and anticorruption policies and systems domestically and jointly at continental level. It contains strong provisions that can go a long way in resolving the corruption challenges on the continent. This is however only feasible if African States go ahead to, sign, ratify, domesticate and implement it. Currently, the Convention has yielded poor results due to insufficient commitment and implementation so far. Tunisia is currently a signatory state of the AUCPCC since January 27th 2013 but is yet to ratify it.

For these purposes, I WATCH is seeking a consultant to conduct research on the state of implementation of the AUCPCC in Tunisia.


The main goal of this work is to assess the state of implementation of the African Union Convention to Prevent and Combat Corruption (AUCPCC) in Tunisia.

The research is expected to be mostly desk-based with some engagement with different stakeholders in the country which could involve travel. The consultant will need to: 

  • Collect information on a national case study for Tunisia’s implementation of the AUCPCC,
  • Conduct meetings and interviews with different stakeholders.
  • Elaborate a brief country analysis on the state of implementation of the anti-corruption Treaty based on the findings of the national case study.

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The total duration of the consultancy is one month. The consultant is expected to deliver the following outputs: 

  • Data compiled in review of the implementation of the AUCPCC in Tunisia (end of September)
  • Preliminary answers to the national questionnaire (end of September)
  • Final draft for brief country analysis (mid October)

All deliverables are to be submitted in English, in electronic form, in accordance with the deadlines stipulated above. The Consultant is responsible for editing and quality control of language. The Consultant is to also provide an Arabic translation of the deliverables. I WATCH retains the sole rights with respect to all distribution, dissemination and publication of the deliverables. The brief analysis will be published and shared at conferences, and with the target audiences, principally in Tunisia and within the African Union.


The Consultant should have the following qualifications: 

  • Minimum of 5 years research experience in issues related to governance and anti-corruption. Previous experience/knowledge in international law and/or anti-corruption treaties would be an advantage.
  • Familiarity with a variety of research methodologies.
  • Knowledge of the accountability and anti-corruption discourse in Africa.
  • Experience of working with civil society as well as public officials;
  • Excellent English language skills (French and Arabic would be an asset).
  • Full availability during the period of the Consultancy.

 Interested candidates should submit the following information in English:

  • Curriculum Vitae or Consultancy profiles.
  • Cover letter describing your motivation and qualifications for the assignment.
  • At least one sample of relevant previous work (confidentiality guaranteed).
  • A note regarding availability in the stated consultancy period.
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Please indicate “[Tunisia-2018 Anti-Corruption Consultancy]” in the subject line of your email application. Applications should be sent in English by email to

 [email protected] 

by 16th September 2018 at 23:59.

Please note that only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.