BUSINESSMED is looking for a Project Coordinator under the EU-funded INVESTMED project

BUSINESSMED (Union of Mediterranean Confederations of Enterprises) the Lead Beneficiary of the “InNoVativE Sustainable sTart-ups for the MEDiterranean (INVESTMED) project, is looking for project coordinator to support the implementation of the project in Tunisia (Tunis).

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The deadline for applications is 15th September 2021.

For more information, please visit the following link:


The INVESTMED project aims at addressing both economic and environmental challenges, supporting new, sustainable business opportunities for young people and women in three countries: Egypt, Lebanon and Tunisia.

The INVESTMED project is co-funded by the European Union under the ENI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme 2014-2020. It has a duration of 30 months, with a total budget of 3.8 Million euro, of which 3.4 Million euro are funded by the European Union (90%).

Please visit INVESTMED website:

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