BinitNS / lance son [ PFE Book 2023-2024 ]

📘 PFE BOOK 2024 is here 📘

Binit Nearshore Services (BinitNS) 📢

  • 📢 Are you looking for an internship as part of your hashtag#PFE?
  • #BinitNS opens its doors to students looking for a PFE internship and offers you a PFE Book full of significant and innovative topics!

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👉 How to register?

    • ✔️ Step 1: Choose the topic from our catalog
    • ✔️ Step 2: Send an email to the following address with your resume:
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Recevoir tous les offres d'emploi

[email protected]
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#emploi #tunisie #maroc #canada #france