Bako Motors / propose [son PFE Book 2022]

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Bako Motors


[son PFE Book 2022]

Bako Motors is launching its recruitment process for graduation projects and theses. 💡

If you are a committed student and an initiative-taker who wants to work on Africa’s transition to sustainable mobility solutions, then here’s a range of opportunities for you!

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This year, we are covering 9 topics:

✔️For #Engineering Students:

•Battery Management System BMS 48V
•Wiring Architecture and Harness CAN Com
•Mobile App Development, tracking, and monitoring system
•Autonomous Drive Feasibility
•Chassis Systems Engineering (Fiber Carbon Skate Chassis)
•System Verification Engineering (ECE Certification)
•3D Modelling (From sketch to CAO Drawing )

✔️For #Business Students:

•Down Payment Model (For pres ordering businesses)
•Leasing Contract Modeling (with banks and microcredit institutions)

We want to reach our goal together:

  • We look forward to hearing your suggestions. Together we then develop the specific question depending on your focus. 🤩
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💻Apply to Bako Motors by sending your CVs to:

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#job #emploi #recrutement

#CV #postuler
[email protected]

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