Ambassade de Malte en Tunisie // RECRUTE

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Ambassade de la République de Malte recrute 

Consular assistant

Prospective applicants should have:

• Excellent knowledge of spoken and written Arabic and French
• Good working knowledge of English both spoken and written
• A university degree, preferably in political science or a related subject matter
• A clean police conduct record
• Valid Tunisian passport
• Passport photo
• Curriculum vitae
Selected applicants will be required to sign a confidentiality agreement.

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Comment postuler :

– Veuillez adresser cv et lettre de motivation à l’adresse suivante : [email protected]
* Deadline for applications is 14 March 2019 at 12H00. All applications are to be sent addressed to the Embassy of the Republic of Malta on email address:

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– Only applications sent on this email address, before the deadline will be considered. All applicants will be required to sit for a personal interview. Original documentation of educational degrees, and any letters of recommendation will have to be submitted for verification if the position is offered to the candidate.
Ville : Tunis
Nom / Entreprise : Ambassade de la République de Malte
 Adresse : Avenue de la Bourse Lac2

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